Our commitment to the environment

Port Torredembarra is a pioneer in Catalonia in the waste management and industrial activity, implementing a plan to avoid pollutant emissions into the air and sea.

The port is committed to renewable energies, such as photovoltaic energy, and has recovered cisterns to accumulate treated water and water from a local aquifer, thus reducing the use of drinking water for cleaning boats.

An industrial waste decanter is also in operation at the dry dock, which will improve the quality of the composition of the waste released into the network.

Biotop, pioneers in marine wildlife conservation

The Biotop project is the creation of a large underwater artificial reef using natural stone.

This is the largest artificial reef made of natural stone in the Mediterranean, formed by calcium carbonate breakwaters from coral reefs.

The aim of the project is to restore local biodiversity, encourage scientific research in our universities and promote underwater activity on the Costa Dorada.

Thanks to the Biotop, we can now observe the Luna fish in Port Torredembarra.

Pez luna en Biotopo Port Torredembarra

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Good housekeeping manual

Waste plan

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